The following links outline the minimum required immunizations for each age/grade level according to the Wisconsin Student Immunization Law.
February 2023
Dear Parent,
Before your child enters kindergarten this coming fall, please be aware that the Wisconsin Immunization Law requires a booster dose of Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine or the date your child previously had the disease. Although thought by some to be a harmless disease, Varicella can result in serious complications including bacterial skin infections, Reye Syndrome (a neurologic disorder), encephalitis, meningitis, and can be fatal. Also, please be aware that one dose DTaP vaccine is required after the 4th birthday.
For children who are “up to date” with their preschool DTaP series, this will be the final (5th)dose that is recommended to ensure prolonged protection, primarily against pertussis, also known as whooping cough. For children who are “up to date” this dose may be the 3rd or 4th in the series and no further doses are required. Because of a 4-day grace period, DTaP vaccine received 4 days or less before the 4th birthday is also acceptable. Please follow this link for immunization requirements above.
The date (month, day, and year) of each immunization must be entered on the Student Immunization Record. This form should be submitted to the school your child will attend. Waivers are available for religious, health, and personal conviction reasons. However, in the event of an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease, students with waivers may
be excluded from school until the outbreak subsides. You are encouraged to have your child immunized well in advance of school opening to avoid the late summer rush at immunization clinics. For immunizations, contact your primary care physician or nearest public health department.
If you would like further information on immunization, please see the following websites:
Thank you.
Krista Nelson, BSN, RN Kristin Hafner, BSN, RN
District Nurse District Nurse
920-983-9174 ext. 4114 920-983-9174 ext. 4133