5K Eye Exams
Dear Parent/Guardian,
State law requires schools to request that each pupil entering Kindergarten provide evidence of an eye examination by a physician or optometrist. The Kindergarten Eye Health Examination Report, to be completed by an eye health professional, can be found here: WI_Kindergarten_Eye_Health_Exam_Report.pdf This form can be returned to school upon completion.
To minimize any potential financial barrier to obtaining an examination, members of the Wisconsin Optometric Association have agreed to provide free examinations to qualifying families. Applications for the free examination are available in your school health office. For more information call (877) 435-2020. We know that children learn more effectively when vision problems are detected at an early age. We encourage your participation in this important program.
Krista Nelson, BSN, RN
District Nurse
920-983-9174 ext. 4114
Kristin Hafner, BSN, RN
District Nurse
920-983-9174 ext. 4133